Need an urgent repair?
Get Quick and Reliable Door Assistance. No matter if you are an existing Celsius doors client on a maintenance plan or new to our company, our team is here to help you with any urgent door issues. Rest assured, we will get your door back up and running in no time!
Take a look at RECENT REpairs...
Chris completed a excellent repair job at DTec Computers Penrith in Penrith. We supplied and fitted this new motor and controller to an existing sectional overhead door, the original motor was burnt out and controller was heavily worn.
Fixes like this are truly a win-win situation. The customer was delighted with our prompt response, and the best part is that the repair cost was significantly lower than replacing the entire door!
University of Cumbria
Automatic systems
We were delighted to work with The University of Cumbria, installing four brand new Record automatic door systems in its residential halls. Just in time for the new students to arrive for their first term, our team worked fast to ensure that these doors were fitted and ready to go. Thanks to our fast response, the University of Cumbria had these doors sorted within a week!
We understand the importance of accessibility in public spaces, and that's why we offer a solution that can make it easy for you to change your current door to automatic within a matter of a day. Ensuring that everyone can move through public spaces with ease is vital, and we're here to help make it happen!
F Browns (Carlisle) LTD
Adding Window Panels
We recently replaced a Sectional door for one of our clients. The previous door was inconvenient as it hindered the client's ability to see incoming lorries for loading. To address this issue, we suggested a quick fix by incorporating two window panels into the door for enhanced visibility.
Our extensive experience and expertise in working with doors like these meant that the client did not have to invest in a completely new door. Instead, we were able to resolve this problem affordably and efficiently within a few hours!
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